The Volunteers’ Agreement helps to define and develop policies and procedures in keeping with legal requirements and our ethical values of integrity, respect, collaboration, inclusiveness, and responsibility. All volunteers have a responsibility to comply with legislation, policy, procedures and this Volunteers’ Agreement for Room at the Table Inc. Volunteers should perform their duties effectively, provide impartial, accurate advice and act in a manner that promotes a productive and harmonious working environment.
Volunteers’ Rights
Room at the Table Inc. values all of its volunteers and commits to support them in the following ways:
- Volunteers will be treated with respect and gratitude for their contribution.
- Volunteers will be provided with any support, professional development or instruction necessary to help them carry out their tasks in a confident and effective manner.
- Volunteers shall as far as possible be protected from harm.
- Volunteers shall as far as possible be relieved of liability for acts performed in the discharge of their volunteer function.
- All volunteers shall be entitled to appeal subject to the procedures set out in Room At The Table Inc’s Dispute Resolution Policy.
Room at the Table Inc’s Responsibilities
- Room At The Table Inc. will designate a Volunteer Coordinator.
- The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for vetting the suitability of potential volunteers, and of notifying them of the outcome of the decision.
- The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for organising the recruitment, training, and supervision of volunteers.
- The Volunteer Coordinator will report to the Committee of Management regularly regarding the volunteer program.
- A job description will be drawn up for volunteers, clearly outlining their duties and expectations.
- Volunteers will be given access to a copy of relevant policies and procedures online or in hard copy form.
Volunteers’ Agreement
Everything that you do in your capacity as a volunteer at Room At The Table Inc reflects on RATT as an organisation (this also includes while wearing RATT-branded “volunteer” apparel at other times). When you take an action (or fail to take an action), in the eyes of the public it is as though Room at the Table is doing it. For this reason it is important that your actions reflect RATT’s values.
During the course of your engagement as a volunteer at Room at the Table Inc, you agree to:
- Treat attendees and other volunteers with respect and courtesy, regardless of age, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, belief, ethnicity or cultural background (Room at the Table is an inclusive organisation; all are welcome at the table);
- Strive to be understanding and aware of those that have sensory, emotional or social issues (Room at the Table has a focus and appeal for those who are neurodivergent, who have chronic health issues, or who have felt excluded from mainstream social activities for any reason);
- Act at all times with due care and diligence, honestly and with integrity;
- Behave in a way that upholds the values, integrity and reputation of Room At The Table Inc; and
- Give adequate notice to the lead volunteer 1 if you are unable to fulfil your responsibilities.
Room at the Table Inc has certain legal obligations to uphold, and in your capacity as a volunteer at RATT you also agree to:
- Read and follow any Policies and Procedures that are provided to you in order to complete your duties as a volunteer;
- Comply with all applicable Australian laws;
- Maintain a current Working With Children Check 2 if required for your volunteer role;
- Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or hold a valid exemption certificate, as required by the Victorian COVIDSafe regulations for community organisations;
- Use Room At The Table’s property and money efficiently, carefully and honestly with due authorisation and without misapplication or misappropriation;
- Ensure confidentiality and privacy in regard to history, records and discussions about the people whom Room At The Table serves;
- Comply with any lawful or reasonable direction given by a person with the authority to give that direction;
- Not provide false or misleading information;
- Not make improper use of internal information in order to gain, or seek to gain, an advantage for yourself or for any other person; and
- Disclose to the lead volunteer or a member of the Committee of Management, and take steps to avoid, any Conflicts of Interest 3 whether actual, potential or perceived.
Breaches of this Agreement may relate to specific breaches of policies and procedures and may attract disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include investigation, removal of privileges or access, repayment of monies, referral to Police in the case of unlawful behaviour, and termination of engagement. Room At The Table Inc fosters the values of openness, honesty, tolerance, fairness and responsibility in social matters.
Agreement Updates
This Agreement may change from time to time and is available on our website. All current volunteers will be made aware of any changes.
Volunteers’ Agreement Enquiries or Complaints
Please direct any queries or complaints about this Volunteers’ Agreement to the Volunteer coordinator via the Contact Us form, or at:
Room at the Table, c/o State Gliding Centre,
35 Samaria Road, Benalla VIC 3672
- The Lead Volunteer is the person who is responsible for a given session, usually including opening up, staffing the door, and closing up at the end. If you are that person, then the Lead Volunteer is the schedule coordinator.
- You may already have a Working With Children Check as part of your employment (eg. nurse, teacher, etc). If not, you can apply for a free Volunteers Working With Children Check at the Post Office. You will be given assistance with how to fill out the Organisation section of the form.
- A Conflict of Interest occurs when your personal interests (including those of your family, friends or other organisations that you are involved with) conflict with your responsibility to act in the best interests of Room at the Table Inc. There are three types of conflicts of interest:
- Actual: You are being influenced.
- Potential: You could be influenced.
- Perceived: You could appear to be influenced.
As a Not For Profit Incorporated Association, Room at the Table Inc has a legal obligation to address any Conflict of Interest at any of the three levels. It is important that you report to the lead volunteer as soon as you become aware of any situation that could lead to an actual, potential or perceived Conflict of Interest. They will let you know whether you need to take any further action.
Note – there is nothing wrong with having a conflict of interest. It only becomes wrong if you hide it, whether or not you take advantage of the conflict.