Best contact phone number (a mobile is preferred).
We use Discord to keep volunteers up to date with rosters, changes, etc. We will send you an invite to our Discord server.
Please provide the name and phone number of the person you would like us to contact in case of an emergency.
We are very familiar with the restrictions caused by physical and mental health conditions and will work with you to help you stay within your health limitations.
This information will be kept confidential. Please refer to the privacy statement at the bottom of this form for more details.
Select one or more areas where you would like to help. On-the-job training may be provided if required.
If you selected Other above, please detail how else you would like to help.
Enter any other details about your availability (For example, Not the second Sunday of the month, Dependent on work roster, etc).
We’d love to hear what it is about Room at the Table that makes you want to volunteer your time and energy! Enter as little or as much detail as you’d like to.
A referee is someone who can vouch for you. We will have a chat with your referee to help determine your suitability for the role as a volunteer at Room at the Table Inc. We recommend that you select someone who is not related to you, and who has known you for at least six months through school, work or a club. Perhaps a teacher, a manager or team leader at work, or a coach.
No, seriously, don’t just tick the box! Take the time to read and understand these documents, especially the Volunteers’ Agreement.
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The decision to accept your application to become a volunteer at Room at the Table Inc will be made by the Volunteer coordinator and you will be notified by email of the outcome. All details recorded on this form will be kept confidential and only disclosed where required to support your role as a volunteer at Room at the Table, or if directed by law enforcement authorities.