Disputes are best dealt with as they arise, before they have a chance to grow and fester into a much bigger problem. Room at the Table can only provide a supportive and safe environment for its attendees if its volunteers are content and free to work to the best of their ability, without being distracted by grudges or discontent.
It is recommended that volunteers resolve issues relating to other volunteers directly with the other party or parties. If they prefer they may also involve the Volunteer Coordinator as a mediator. More serious issues will be raised with the Committee of Management, and if that fails to produce a satisfactory outcome, with external organisations or to authorities.
The purpose of this document is to define how volunteers at Room at the Table Inc can resolve work-related disputes as they arise.
Room at the Table Inc will establish mechanisms to promote fast and efficient resolution of workplace issues. Volunteers should feel comfortable discussing issues with the Volunteer Coordinator in accordance with the procedures outlined below.
All formal avenues for handling grievances will be fully documented and the volunteer’s wishes will be considered in determining the appropriate steps and actions.
No volunteer will be intimidated or unfairly treated in any respect if they utilise this Policy to resolve an issue.
This Policy applies to all Room at the Table volunteers.
Volunteer Grievances and Dispute resolution Procedures
It is the responsibility of Volunteer Coordinator to ensure that:
- They identify, prevent and address potential problems before they become formal grievances;
- They are aware of, and are committed to the principles of communicating and information sharing with volunteers;
- All decisions relating to volunteer engagement practises are made with consideration given to the ramifications for the individual, as well as the organisation in general;
- Any grievance is handled in the most appropriate manner at the earliest opportunity;
- All volunteers are treated fairly and without fear of intimidation.
It is the responsibility of Volunteers to ensure that:
- They attempt to resolve any issues arising from their work as a Volunteer for Room at the Table Inc through their immediate supervisor and through internal processes at the earliest opportunity.
It is the responsibility of Room at the Table Inc to ensure that:
- All volunteers are aware of their obligations and responsibilities in relation to communication and information sharing with volunteers;
- Ongoing support and guidance is provided to all volunteers in relation to volunteering and communication issues;
- All volunteers are aware of their obligations and responsibilities in relation to handling grievances;
- Any grievance that comes to the attention of Room at the Table Inc is handled in the most appropriate manner at the earliest opportunity.
Room at the Table Inc should be aware of the possible ramifications of their actions when dealing with volunteer issues. They must ensure that all volunteers are treated with fairness, equality and respect.
If there are any doubts or queries in relation to how to deal with a particular set of circumstances the Volunteer Coordinator should contact the Committee of Management for advice at the earliest opportunity.
Grievances and Dispute Resolution
Disputes between volunteers
A volunteer who has a dispute or grievance with another volunteer should raise the matter first with the other volunteer. The two parties should discuss the matter openly and work together to achieve a desired outcome. If this does not result in a favourable outcome for both parties, or if the volunteer does not feel comfortable raising the issue directly with the other volunteer, they should escalate the issue with the Volunteer Coordinator. If the issue involves the Volunteer Coordinator, the volunteer can approach a member of the Committee of Management.
The Volunteer Coordinator, or Committee member, should clarify the issue with the volunteer to ensure they fully understand the complainant’s concern. The issue should be put down in writing, and the volunteer should indicate that this is a true and complete account of the issue by signing the statement.
Dispute Resolution
The dispute resolution process should involve the volunteer who has raised the concern, the Volunteer Coordinator (or Committee member), and any other parties to the dispute. The volunteer and other parties may elect to bring along an independent witness.
The following procedure is to be followed:
- The session may be recorded at the request of any party.
- Establish the role of each person.
- Outline the process that is to be followed.
- Inform the parties that any information obtained in the conduct of the review is confidential (unless it involves a criminal issue, in which case the matter will be reported to the relevant authorities).
- Listen to the complainant without interruption, other than to seek clarification where the meaning is unclear.
- Where possible the volunteer should provide accurate and detailed notes of all conversations (including dates, people involved) and include any supporting documentation.
- The Volunteer Coordinator (or Committee member) will repeat back their understanding of the issue for confirmation by the complainant.
- If more than one party is involved, this process is to be repeated for the other party or parties.
- Compile a written summary of the complaint or grievance, to be signed by the volunteer as an accurate record of the situation.
- All parties must work together to diagnose the problem.
- All parties must strive to come up with mutually acceptable solutions.
- All parties strive to come to a consensus on the next steps to be taken.
- Provide the attendees with a written summary of the meeting and clarification of the next steps to be taken.
The Volunteer Coordinator (or Committee member) must ensure that the manner in which the meeting is conducted is conducive to maintaining positive working relationships, and will provide a fair, objective and independent analysis of the situation.
- All parties are to maintain complete confidentiality at all times.
- If the matter is not resolved and the volunteer wishes to pursue it, the issue should be discussed with the Room at the Table Inc Committee of Management, who will determine the next steps, including, if necessary, the involvement of an external mediator.
- If the grievance/dispute is one of a confidential or serious nature, or involves the Volunteer Coordinator, the complainant may discuss the issue directly with a member of the Committee of Management.
- If the grievance/dispute involves a criminal issue, the matter will be reported to the relevant authorities.